Sunday 10 June 2012


Maybe you’re expecting me to tell you more about Leo. But I’m not going to! He’s a cute little fellow – and that’s all I plan to say about him today. Except that I was probably cuter at the same age …

I’ve just crossed the river dividing Three Cliffs Bay. I did it because Mum told me not to. Now she’s calling me to return to her side of the river but I’m pretending to be deaf. This should get her attention!

Keeping all my paws on the sand I’m watching her. And she’s watching me while calling my name. Is she wishing little Leo lived with us, instead of in Cornwall with my sister? I think she is – and that she misses him and Joanna now that they are in their own home.

Well, she’s got me, hasn’t she? And I can keep her busy to ease the ‘missing’!

Mum’s coming across. The current’s a bit strong and the water’s quite deep today, after all the rain.  Oops, it’s going over the top of her boots! How do I know this? Because Mum’s complaining, loudly, about it …

Now she’s grabbing my collar, snapping on my lead and saying: “I know what you’re doing, Sam, and there’s no need.”

I look up at her, enquiringly, as she removes a boot to tip the water out of it and then repeats the process. “How do you mean?” I bark.

“You are, and always will be, my number one chap. Do you understand?”

My doggy heart lifts and I lick her hand.