Saturday, 21 December 2013


 SAM'S DOG STORY will be FREE again on Christmas Day!

Mum and I had been wondering how to give our lovely readers a little Christmas gift, when suddenly the idea hit me of giving all of you who missed it previously another opportunity of reading my story - quite FREE!

We think you'll be happy to have my adventures by the sea on your Kindle because I'm a dog who loves life, loves his Mum ... and loves all the people and creatures I meet between our house and the beach.

Here's a picture of our home on the Gower peninsula:

When we moved here I was just a puppy and had no idea how much fun lay ahead of me as I tried to fly like the seagulls and run with the wild ponies who have become my friends.

I've made human friends as well. So has Mum ... but maybe I shouldn't mention her friend Morgan here. (You'll need to read my book to know their story!)

Yes - you've guessed ... my story isn't just about me! I tell you too what Mum has been up to. Ooops!

Anyway, we both wish you  


Oh - just click SAM'S DOG STORY on Christmas Day for your free copy!


You live in the UK? Then click: SAM'S DOG STORY for your free copy.

Wednesday, 11 December 2013


Do you like reading books about dogs? Mum does. She says she especially likes the dog story book I wrote. Then she says she supposes that’s because she’s biased.

If she thinks that by using long words she’ll fox me, she’s right. Except that I don’t stay foxed for long. It’s never hard for me to work out what Mum means – because I understand her, you see.

In her own way, she’s telling me that she likes my dog story best because I’m special. That’s in the sense of having a special place in Mum’s heart. She’s told me about holding me there ever since I trotted over to her when she came to Axminster to choose a puppy from my litter. It wasn’t a question, she says, of choosing me because I chose her first. Then she adds that the feeling was mutual. I think that means she would have chosen me, if I’d given her half a chance and not been so fast on my paws.

I need to be fast on them when I'm up above Three Cliffs Bay, watching and waiting for a seagull to fly by. As soon as one comes on my horizon, I'm on to him - racing through the sand-dunes and down to the beach. One of these days I won't be racing. I'll be flying!

Anyway, we both think books about dogs are great! See if you agree that mine's best when you've read my story ...

Friday, 6 December 2013


It was Mum’s idea for me to write a dog story book. When she first suggested it I thought she was having me on. Who would want a book written by a dog? Besides, I didn’t think I could write.

But Mum said how would I know unless I tried? I saw the sense of that – and she then said she’d help me. 

I was a bit bewildered when she put the laptop in front of me, but together we set to work and gradually Sam’s Story began. I expect you can guess why we called it Sam’s Story. What else could we call it, when my story is mostly about me?

We mention Mum once in a while, because she was helping and I couldn’t have written my dog story book without her. By the way, we’re giving it away FREE on Amazon on Christmas Day!

Thursday, 5 December 2013


I'm feeling a bit insulted! Mum took one look at me having fun on the beach and said my antics made her think of some amazing dog stories she'd just seen. But she wasn't talking about my dog stories. Oh no, she was referring to some cartoons that she said made her smile because they reminded her of me!

Well, the chap in the pictures isn't half as handsome as I am! He's half my size and not nearly as hairy. All the same, I suppose he and I are a bit alike in the way we behave. So maybe Mum isn't being insulting. Take a look at The Mud Song on my Facebook page and see what you think ...

Wednesday, 4 December 2013


What’s the difference between dog stories and dog tales? I asked Mum this question and she said that the answer’s a bit subtle.

Well, that’s no help! So I’ve been reasoning it out for myself. Maybe we’re talking here about dog tails. That makes sense to me, as I have a wonderful long tail that’s very expressive. Mum says that when I wag my tail near her it’s like having a fan on hand. But then she adds that fans are best in the summer and that when the weather’s cold she doesn’t need a fan.

I took this to mean she doesn’t need me now that it’s wintry. Mum quickly told me it doesn’t mean that. She says she just meant when I wag my tail in cold weather she prefers being at the nose end of me. Mum’s funny, isn’t she?

I wag my tail a lot because there are usually good reasons for wagging it. Walk-times, mealtimes and our front doorbell ringing are just a few. A ring on the doorbell often means a visitor for me to greet. I’m good at greetings.

Anyway, I think dog tales (and tails) are great! If you’ve any you’d like to tell Mum and me, we’ll both be happy to have them …

P.S. See what I mean about my long tail? 

Sunday, 1 December 2013


Have you been watching the animal stories on TV recently? I’ve been watching them with Mum and our minds have been boggled by what we’ve seen.

There was a great big chap that Mum said was a rhinoceros. He was much, much bigger than me. When I first saw him, I hid behind the sofa, but Mum told me not to worry as he couldn’t get out of the TV. Well, he lived with his human and mostly stayed outdoors – but sometimes he came inside the man’s house and sniffed around.

Mum kept holding her breath and commenting how amazing it was that he never knocked any furniture or ornaments over. I hope she wasn’t thinking about the day I broke a picture frame with a swish of my tail!

Anyway, then among these strange pet stories, we saw a girl hugging and kissing some lions. She must have loved them to do that, mustn’t she? Mum said so and Mum usually knows. Mum also said that love between humans and animals can cross boundaries you’d never expect it to cross.

The man with the pack of creatures called hyenas must have loved them a lot. He wrestled with them and often ended up in hospital because sometimes they seemed to like biting him. But he didn’t seem to mind as he sensed they didn’t mean him any harm. I sensed the same thing. It was their way of playing. Mum reminded me that I bit her once or twice, back when I was a puppy, and she knew that they were kind of love bites.

If you’ve been watching these animal stories too, which ones mind-boggled you?