Do you like dog stories as much as Mum and I do? I especially like my own story, although Mum says I shouldn't say so as that's boastful. Just look at me in this picture, though. Do I look as if I could boast? No, I don't! I'm much too busy being me and living my stories before telling them to you.
Sometimes, if there are no birds to chase, I like chasing my shadow. Trouble is, I can never quite catch it - and often it just disappears. Then I roll in the sand, waiting for it to come back.The other day, when I was rolling, my friend Bethan, who's a pony, came over and asked if she could join in the fun. So she did, but Mum wasn't quick enough to get a picture of us with our paws and hooves pointing up instead of down! I haven't told her so, but I think Mum needs to speed up ...
Recently, when we were walking through sand dunes to the beach, a seagull called me and I raced after him so fast that Mum said afterwards all my paws were in the air at once. So I was sort of flying, wasn't I? But then, suddenly, I wasn't in the air ... somehow I was in the sea!
Sam's dog stories