Tuesday, 10 September 2013

SAM'S STORY: It's A Dog's Life - Now Available On Amazon!

Well, it has taken me awhile, but then I'm new to book-writing! Mum helped me a lot with SAM'S STORY: It's A Dog's Life, though - and now that it's published we both hope you'll enjoy reading about how we found more than we ever expected when we moved home.

As my book doesn't have illustrations (only paw-prints!) I hit on a brilliant plan ...

If you look at the pictures here on my Blog - and also on Facebook - you'll be able to see me in my surroundings. And that will be almost as if you're here with Mum and me, won't it? I hope you agree my plan is brilliant!

One other thing (for the moment) - you can buy my book by clicking on SAM'S STORY: It's A Dog's Life or on the book-cover in the right column. Oh, and by the way, it will be FREE on Amazon Kindle on Friday and Saturday - 13 & 14 September! (If you miss those dates, there will be others, I promise.)

P.S. Please tell me if you like my story ... Mum and I would both love to have your feedback.