Saturday, 21 December 2013


 SAM'S DOG STORY will be FREE again on Christmas Day!

Mum and I had been wondering how to give our lovely readers a little Christmas gift, when suddenly the idea hit me of giving all of you who missed it previously another opportunity of reading my story - quite FREE!

We think you'll be happy to have my adventures by the sea on your Kindle because I'm a dog who loves life, loves his Mum ... and loves all the people and creatures I meet between our house and the beach.

Here's a picture of our home on the Gower peninsula:

When we moved here I was just a puppy and had no idea how much fun lay ahead of me as I tried to fly like the seagulls and run with the wild ponies who have become my friends.

I've made human friends as well. So has Mum ... but maybe I shouldn't mention her friend Morgan here. (You'll need to read my book to know their story!)

Yes - you've guessed ... my story isn't just about me! I tell you too what Mum has been up to. Ooops!

Anyway, we both wish you  


Oh - just click SAM'S DOG STORY on Christmas Day for your free copy!


You live in the UK? Then click: SAM'S DOG STORY for your free copy.

Wednesday, 11 December 2013


Do you like reading books about dogs? Mum does. She says she especially likes the dog story book I wrote. Then she says she supposes that’s because she’s biased.

If she thinks that by using long words she’ll fox me, she’s right. Except that I don’t stay foxed for long. It’s never hard for me to work out what Mum means – because I understand her, you see.

In her own way, she’s telling me that she likes my dog story best because I’m special. That’s in the sense of having a special place in Mum’s heart. She’s told me about holding me there ever since I trotted over to her when she came to Axminster to choose a puppy from my litter. It wasn’t a question, she says, of choosing me because I chose her first. Then she adds that the feeling was mutual. I think that means she would have chosen me, if I’d given her half a chance and not been so fast on my paws.

I need to be fast on them when I'm up above Three Cliffs Bay, watching and waiting for a seagull to fly by. As soon as one comes on my horizon, I'm on to him - racing through the sand-dunes and down to the beach. One of these days I won't be racing. I'll be flying!

Anyway, we both think books about dogs are great! See if you agree that mine's best when you've read my story ...

Friday, 6 December 2013


It was Mum’s idea for me to write a dog story book. When she first suggested it I thought she was having me on. Who would want a book written by a dog? Besides, I didn’t think I could write.

But Mum said how would I know unless I tried? I saw the sense of that – and she then said she’d help me. 

I was a bit bewildered when she put the laptop in front of me, but together we set to work and gradually Sam’s Story began. I expect you can guess why we called it Sam’s Story. What else could we call it, when my story is mostly about me?

We mention Mum once in a while, because she was helping and I couldn’t have written my dog story book without her. By the way, we’re giving it away FREE on Amazon on Christmas Day!

Thursday, 5 December 2013


I'm feeling a bit insulted! Mum took one look at me having fun on the beach and said my antics made her think of some amazing dog stories she'd just seen. But she wasn't talking about my dog stories. Oh no, she was referring to some cartoons that she said made her smile because they reminded her of me!

Well, the chap in the pictures isn't half as handsome as I am! He's half my size and not nearly as hairy. All the same, I suppose he and I are a bit alike in the way we behave. So maybe Mum isn't being insulting. Take a look at The Mud Song on my Facebook page and see what you think ...

Wednesday, 4 December 2013


What’s the difference between dog stories and dog tales? I asked Mum this question and she said that the answer’s a bit subtle.

Well, that’s no help! So I’ve been reasoning it out for myself. Maybe we’re talking here about dog tails. That makes sense to me, as I have a wonderful long tail that’s very expressive. Mum says that when I wag my tail near her it’s like having a fan on hand. But then she adds that fans are best in the summer and that when the weather’s cold she doesn’t need a fan.

I took this to mean she doesn’t need me now that it’s wintry. Mum quickly told me it doesn’t mean that. She says she just meant when I wag my tail in cold weather she prefers being at the nose end of me. Mum’s funny, isn’t she?

I wag my tail a lot because there are usually good reasons for wagging it. Walk-times, mealtimes and our front doorbell ringing are just a few. A ring on the doorbell often means a visitor for me to greet. I’m good at greetings.

Anyway, I think dog tales (and tails) are great! If you’ve any you’d like to tell Mum and me, we’ll both be happy to have them …

P.S. See what I mean about my long tail? 

Sunday, 1 December 2013


Have you been watching the animal stories on TV recently? I’ve been watching them with Mum and our minds have been boggled by what we’ve seen.

There was a great big chap that Mum said was a rhinoceros. He was much, much bigger than me. When I first saw him, I hid behind the sofa, but Mum told me not to worry as he couldn’t get out of the TV. Well, he lived with his human and mostly stayed outdoors – but sometimes he came inside the man’s house and sniffed around.

Mum kept holding her breath and commenting how amazing it was that he never knocked any furniture or ornaments over. I hope she wasn’t thinking about the day I broke a picture frame with a swish of my tail!

Anyway, then among these strange pet stories, we saw a girl hugging and kissing some lions. She must have loved them to do that, mustn’t she? Mum said so and Mum usually knows. Mum also said that love between humans and animals can cross boundaries you’d never expect it to cross.

The man with the pack of creatures called hyenas must have loved them a lot. He wrestled with them and often ended up in hospital because sometimes they seemed to like biting him. But he didn’t seem to mind as he sensed they didn’t mean him any harm. I sensed the same thing. It was their way of playing. Mum reminded me that I bit her once or twice, back when I was a puppy, and she knew that they were kind of love bites.

If you’ve been watching these animal stories too, which ones mind-boggled you?

Friday, 29 November 2013


Do you like dog stories as much as Mum and I do? I especially like my own story, although Mum says I shouldn't say so as that's boastful. Just look at me in this picture, though. Do I look as if I could boast? No, I don't! I'm much too busy being me and living my stories before telling them to you.

Sometimes, if there are no birds to chase, I like chasing my shadow. Trouble is, I can never quite catch it - and often it just disappears. Then I roll in the sand, waiting for it to come back.The other day, when I was rolling, my friend Bethan, who's a pony, came over and asked if she could join in the fun. So she did, but Mum wasn't quick enough to get a picture of us with our paws and hooves pointing up instead of down! I haven't told her so, but I think Mum needs to speed up ...

Recently, when we were walking through sand dunes to the beach, a seagull called me and I raced after him so fast that Mum said afterwards all my paws were in the air at once. So I was sort of flying, wasn't I? But then, suddenly, I wasn't in the air ...  somehow I was in the sea!

Sam's dog stories

Thursday, 31 October 2013

FREE eBOOK - SAM'S STORY: It's A Dog's Life

I promised you more opportunities to download my story FREE from Amazon, so I'm letting you know that SAM'S STORY: It's A Dog's Life will be free again tomorrow - and Saturday and Sunday too!

 Here's my picture on the book-cover:

Lots of love, Sam xxx

Tuesday, 10 September 2013

SAM'S STORY: It's A Dog's Life - Now Available On Amazon!

Well, it has taken me awhile, but then I'm new to book-writing! Mum helped me a lot with SAM'S STORY: It's A Dog's Life, though - and now that it's published we both hope you'll enjoy reading about how we found more than we ever expected when we moved home.

As my book doesn't have illustrations (only paw-prints!) I hit on a brilliant plan ...

If you look at the pictures here on my Blog - and also on Facebook - you'll be able to see me in my surroundings. And that will be almost as if you're here with Mum and me, won't it? I hope you agree my plan is brilliant!

One other thing (for the moment) - you can buy my book by clicking on SAM'S STORY: It's A Dog's Life or on the book-cover in the right column. Oh, and by the way, it will be FREE on Amazon Kindle on Friday and Saturday - 13 & 14 September! (If you miss those dates, there will be others, I promise.)

P.S. Please tell me if you like my story ... Mum and I would both love to have your feedback.

Wednesday, 14 August 2013


Here's Sam, looking back on how it all began! Read the first chapter of SAM'S STORY right here, right now. The rest of his book will be available FREE on Amazon very soon.

ARRIVAL – And The Great Escape

It was the house that drew us to Gower. I suppose that with its white walls, grey slate roof and lattice windows it’s more of a cottage. Not that this little detail matters. The fact is that Westwinds brought us from Dorset to a special Welsh peninsula.

            When we moved here we had no idea what lay in store. We had not yet felt the onslaught of storms that would buffet our home frenziedly from across the moors separating us from the Atlantic Ocean. We hadn’t had close encounters with wild ponies. We’d never experienced gigantic waves that could lift us up bodily and carry us out to sea.

            We hadn’t lived as we’ve lived since arriving.

Who are we? Sam is a very distinctive Bearded Collie. As this story is his he will be telling it, with some input from me. All I need to say about myself is that I had the good sense to adopt him. Or did he do the adopting?

            Born in Axminister, Devon, Sam’s birth name was Tangledown Mungojerrie. When I went to meet his breeder and see the seven-week old puppies with their mother, it was Sam who immediately rushed over to greet me. One look at him was enough: I had fallen in love.

            Oh, the thrill of collecting that small bundle of black and white fur the following week and taking him home to Dorset, where he settled in quickly! And it didn’t seem to unsettle him when within days we were in my VW Beetle heading for a new life in west Wales. 

            As I was soon to learn, Sam’s a born adventurer. He’s endlessly curious – endlessly ready to explore. So a new life suited him ideally and he wasted no time in beginning his explorations.

            Here’s Sam to tell you just how he began, shortly after our arrival in Westwinds’ front drive:
       Mum said “Stay in the car and I’ll be back for you in a minute.” The thing is, I don’t know what a minute is. And it looks more interesting out there than in here. So I think I’ll go where she’s gone.

            But there’s a problem. She shut her door and I can’t work out how to open it. I’m behind the big steering wheel after jumping from my seat to hers, and I’m finding the door handles a bit puzzling.

            I push one, then the other, with my paw. Nothing happens. There’s a little window, though, that’s half-open. I try to reach it – and fall onto the floor. So I need to re-think this.

            Up on Mum’s seat again, I put both my front paws on the wheel. Now I’m taller than before and can see what’s needed …

            With a big leap, I suddenly have all four paws spread across the wheel and can just about reach the window. Trouble is, I’ve no spare paw for pushing the window wider – and I don’t feel too safe up here.

            Oops, now I’ve crash-landed back on the floor! That’s a setback and I’m feeling a bit bruised. No worries. A bruise or two won’t stop me.

            Back on Mum’s seat, I take another big leap. This time I’m happier up on the wheel and can practise balancing on three paws so that I can use the fourth to push the window. There – that’s done! Now I just need to propel myself through the gap and …

            Help, I’m airborne! Maybe I’m flying like the birds I’ve seen. No, I don’t seem to be. The ground’s rushing up towards me. Thump.

            That wasn’t funny. But no harm done – and now I’m outside, like Mum. Except that she isn’t here. Or, if she is, I can’t see her. Where can she be?

            Wherever she is, I’ll find her. I must, as I’m quite hungry. Maybe she’s on the other side of this house I can see. I run past it into a garden where the grass is much taller than me.

            After the grass there are some trees and then there’s some brown stuff. What is it?

            I try digging. This is good fun.

            “Sam, Sam … where are you, Sam?”

            That’s Mum’s voice calling me, and it sounds a bit panicky. I’d better go and check why she’s panicking.

            I run round to the front drive, where I find her standing by the car. She looks worried … and puzzled. So I scamper up and give her knee a nudge.

            “Oh, there you are – and covered in mud! What have you been doing – and how on earth did you get out of the car? You surely couldn't have climbed through that tiny triangular window - could you?”

            Uncertain as to whether Mum is happy or mad with me I look up at her and wag my tail.

            That has the right result. She smiles, saying: “Perhaps you did climb through it. If you did, I think I’d better re-name you Houdini. Well, Sam, are you ready for tea in our new home?”

            In we go. I can see immediately that there’s plenty of exploring for me to do. As I run from room to room, I notice there are stairs too.

            I like the look of stairs and wonder what’s up there. So I climb them and find more rooms – one with something that has water in it. I can’t reach the water with my back paws still on the floor, so I jump in.

What on earth can Sam be doing? The oddest sounds are coming from above the kitchen, where I’m preparing a makeshift tea with utensils and food I’ve brought with me. My furniture won’t be arriving till tomorrow.

I didn’t even know Sam could climb stairs. I suppose that’s because I didn’t give him the run of the house back home.

Suddenly registering which room is above the kitchen, I rush up to him. And there he is – stuck in the toilet bowl while struggling valiantly but unsuccessfully to get out!

“Yes, we do need to wash all that mud off,” I tell him, transferring him swiftly into the neighbouring bathroom and making a mental note always to keep the lavatory door closed. “I just wasn’t expecting bath-time to arrive before I was ready.”

He looks up at me so innocently that I’ve no inkling of the dramas and challenges he’ll be bringing me in the days ahead.

 What happens next? 


Watch this space to find out when SAM'S STORY is available - FREE (for a limited period) on Amazon!

Monday, 17 June 2013


Mum's busy, so she has asked me to tell you that she's looking into the best ways of giving away some FREE copies of SAM'S STORY, once my book is published!

If you'd like to be first to download my story FREE, the minute it's ready, just watch this space ...

Love, Sam x

Friday, 31 May 2013


Once upon a time, when I was a puppy ...

Do you think that's how my book SAM'S STORY should begin? Maybe it should, but that isn't how it will actually be beginning!

Of course I can't tell you the start, because that would spoil things. But I can tell you that this picture is of me, looking how I did when my story started. Mum says I was a cuddly little Beardie, who didn't often keep still long enough to be cuddled.

I describe, in my first chapter, what I did for her to decide she probably should have named me Houdini. I'm glad she changed her mind and let me stay as Sam. I wouldn't be writing SAM'S STORY otherwise, would I?

(By the way, it will be finished in July and published in August.)

Tuesday, 28 May 2013


You'll never believe what Mum's been doing while I've been writing SAM'S STORY (which is almost finished)!

She's been putting my baby pictures on Facebook. When I asked her why she was doing this, she said it was because she couldn't find them when we started our Shaggy Dog Blog. But as she has found them now, she wants to share them with everyone. She says the whole world will love the puppy I once was.

Does she mean they don't love me now that I've grown from a puppy to a big dog?

P.S. Here's my opinion of our Spring weather:

Monday, 13 May 2013

A NEW FRIEND - And Sam Learns A Lesson!

I made a new friend today. As you can see, he's woolly and has a very black face. He stood looking at me and seemed a bit scared. I suppose that's because I'm so much bigger than he is. And maybe it's also because of my history.

Can you guess what I mean by 'history'? In case you can't, I'll confess!

When I was younger, I was sometimes guilty of rounding up lambs and sheep. It's in my genes, you see. At least, that's what I told Mum when she got cross with me. It also happens to be the truth. My instinct is to gather the flock together - any flock that crosses my path. But following my instinct has landed me in hot water more than once, so now I try to think before doing anything that might make Mum cross.

She was pleased with my behavior today. She says it showed that I've learned from the past. She was especially pleased when I just watched this lamb and his sister feeding, without trying to join in. But why would I want to join in, when Mum always gives me better things than milk for my tea?


Thursday, 9 May 2013


Yes, this is me - and Mum says I'm a soggy Sam, whatever that means! I chased some seagulls down to Oxwich and when they flew off I landed in the sea.

This kind of thing is still happening more often than it should, considering all the effort and energy I'm putting in to working out how to fly. Mum tells me that I'd have been given wings if flight was meant to be an option for me, but I believe that I'll fly without wings if I try hard enough.

The tide is out so far today that Mum and I can walk for miles. Maybe she has it in mind to take me to the Oxwich Bay Hotel for tea. One of the reasons I like going there is because the chef often finds a sausage or other titbit for me - and Mum likes a scone or toasted tea-cake to go with her pot of tea; she also says she's glad of the rest before we start our long trek home.

Personally, I don't see the sense of resting when instead I can be having an adventure!

Tuesday, 7 May 2013


Here you can see Mum beautifying me just after we'd completed Chapter 23 of SAM'S STORY. We're also talking about Chapter 24 and the fact that there might not be more than 25 chapters in all.

My story is taking us both by surprise as there have been a few unexpected developments in our lives. So we've been needing to talk these through and agree on how to tell them to you. Mum tends to beat about the bush, whereas I'm all for coming straight out with the truth.

So whose path will we choose? I'll give you a clue:

It lies in the title ....... SAM'S STORY!!!!

Wednesday, 1 May 2013


I like to cool off in rock pools. Their water doesn't lift me off my paws the way the sea likes to do. And I like to keep my eye on what the fish are up to.

Once I caught one, but it wriggled so much I had to let it go. Joanna's boy - Leo - prefers not to get wet, but then he's a Tibetan terrier. He can climb rocks until he's up so high that I can't follow him. I don't tell him I can't. Better to pretend that I just don't want to. But heights are not my thing.

So while Leo climbs, I swim - or do a bit of fishing!

Monday, 29 April 2013


That's me in the picture, except that you can hardly see me! Mum and I had such an adventure at Worm's Head. There are more gulls there than anywhere else, and it was because I chased them across the causeway that we ended up on the Worm.

Trouble is, it becomes an island when the tide comes in - and we were so busy listening to the boomings and hissings coming from the Blow Hole that we nearly left it too late to get back to the beach at Rhossili. I think Mum was scared of being stranded out there, but I told her she was safe with me.

Now, as you can see, the Worm's head is an island again - and I'm having fun in the sea.

Here's a message for you from Mum:

There's an old Gower saying "The old Worm's blowing, time for a boat to be going." I'd have been glad of a boat. It was scarey, returning across the rocky causeway after the tide turned. I've never been more glad to be back on dry land!

Sunday, 28 April 2013


I like going out to tea. I especially like it when Mum and I walk to Oxwich and have our tea close to the beach. Trouble is, gulls come to see what we're eating and then I try to chase them away.

I would succeed except that Mum says it's rude to leave the table before we've eaten - and keeps me on my lead. She still doesn't trust me, you see, when gulls are in the vicinity. But look at me! I look trustworthy, don't I?

Maybe, once we're on our homeward path, I'll have another chance to practise flying. The gulls are much more encouraging than Mum, who says that my flight practice frightens her because she often loses sight of me when I'm trying to fly. But Mum frightens too easily. She should know by now that I always come back to her, eventually, shouldn't she?

Saturday, 27 April 2013


Can you see the missing Beardie in this picture? If you look very carefully you'll spot Ben's two front paws between my friend Hector and me. When we were at Three Cliffs we all took a dip in this rock pool before swimming in the sea - but Ben is bashful when it comes to photography.

I don't understand that. I'm always happy to pose for Mum's camera as she says I'm handsome. So I suppose I am.

We had such fun on the beach - and now Mum says our carpet is covered in sand. The way she says it suggests I had something to do with that ...

Thursday, 18 April 2013

LEO - Tibetan Terrier Or Champion Jumper?

Remember me telling you about little Leo? Well, he's much bigger now and had his first birthday last month. He lives in Cornwall with my sister, Joanna, who isn't exactly my sister - but she is Mum's daughter, while I'm Mum's son! See if you can make sense of that ...

This is Leo's local beach - and he thinks he owns it, just as I think I own Three Cliffs. The thing about Leo is that he can jump higher than I can. I'm much bigger than him and am trying to fly like the gulls that keep teasing me. But Leo, who says he isn't interested in flying, doesn't even need to run before jumping.

He just lifts himself up so high that Mum and Joanna both say he could easily knock their noses off if he wanted to. This doesn't seem quite right to me.

Why can Leo jump so high without even trying, while I first have to run like the wind and even then can't jump nearly as high as he can?

I asked Mum, who answered that it's one of life's mysteries. I'm glad she added that while Leo might be a champion jumper I'll always be champion in her eyes.

Monday, 15 April 2013

GUILTY - Sam And The Black Forest Gateau

Look at me! Do I look guilty? I don't see what was wrong with what I did. But Mum says it was wrong. She says I shouldn't have eaten the chocolate cake. Apparently she bought it for the guests who are coming to tea and she was defrosting it. That's why it was right at the back of the the kitchen worktop - a place she believed I couldn't reach.

The thing is, I could reach it - and thought she'd put it there for me. Well, not exactly!

Mum says that on top of everything else chocolate is bad for dogs. It didn't seem at all bad when I was eating it. And I've been trying to point out that I only ate half the cake - the front half. No point in mentioning that I couldn't reach the rest. Best for her to think I left that for the guests ...

Sunday, 14 April 2013


When I saw this morning that more than 20,000 people have now seen my blog, I thought it time to tell you that we're getting on well with SAM'S STORY - Mum and I!

Oddly, given the twenty thousand mentioned, we're starting Chapter 20 today. It's called 'Old Friends' and you can see me above with two of them. There has been an unexpected development that has held things up for a bit. Can't tell you about it now, but it will be in my book.

I haven't decided yet whether to put pictures in it. What do you think? If you leave me comments, that will help my decision.

Well, I'd best get on with it else SAM'S STORY will never be finished!

Wednesday, 27 February 2013


Now that I see myself as an author, Mum and I felt a more formal portrait was called for! Those are her words, not mine. We've reached Chapter 12 of SAM'S STORY, you see, and she says I need to start seeing myself as more important than before.

I think she's joking, though. Mum does that sometimes - jokes with me. But she wasn't joking when she asked me whether I'd really seen her friend Barbara's dead husband in Chapter 10. The thing is, I saw him and he wasn't dead. He was sitting in his favorite chair by the fireplace, same as always.

So why couldn't Mum or Barbara see him, like I did?

Mum thinks that it's because I'm a dog and dogs have a special instinct. She might be right. I look special in my picture, don't I?

Thursday, 7 February 2013


Can you see the castle in the distance? That's Pennard Castle - or what's left of it. Mum sometimes says she'll buy up the ruin and put a roof on it. But I think she's joking. Better to live in our cosy home than in a draughty old castle!

She's still writing our adventures down and says she's starting on Chapter 9 now. I don't know what a chapter is, but Mum tells me it's progress with SAM'S STORY. She's wondering whether to get it illustrated. Will that mean me having to pose for pictures?

I won't mind if it means that. I'm used to posing, if that's what I do whenever she gets her camera out. Mum says I'm photogenic so I suppose I am. She also says I'm handsome. What do you make of that?

By the way, she's especially happy today because her other 4 books have gone on to Smashwords as well as on to Goodreads!

Thursday, 31 January 2013


Here I am, waiting patiently for Mum! Guess why she's dragging her feet. Have you guessed? Yes, it's because we're both busy writing my story. We've reached chapter four, she tells me.

But she sometimes grumbles that though I'm the inspiration for SAM'S STORY - and the one putting words in her head - it's she who needs to write them down. If I improve my computer skills do you think she'll stop grumbling and hurry up when it's time for our walk?  

Tuesday, 22 January 2013


If you're wondering why I'm sitting here looking out to sea, here's the reason: I'm actually sitting thinking about the book Mum and I are writing. Yes, that's right! We're writing a book - and guess who it's about!

Have you guessed yet? In case you haven't, I'll let you in on our secret ...

The book will be about me. Mum says there's plenty to tell that I haven't told you already, so we're just getting on with it. Maybe it will be called SAM'S STORY, but we'll have to wait and see.

Exciting, isn't it? Anyway, I'm excited and hope you will be!